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Ana Sayfa Genel 1 Ocak 2021 287 Görüntüleme

Cologne or Hand Sanitizer?

What is the difference between cologne and hand sanitizers? Which one has more antiseptic properties?


Cologne consists of water and various essence mixtures and ethyl alcohol diluted between 60 and 80 percent, or ethanol. Ethanol is commonly used in antibacterial hand sanitizer gels, as an antiseptic for its bactericidal (bacteria killing substances) and anti-fungal (anti-fungal) effects. [1] Ethanol kills by dissolving the lipid bilayer (double-layered fat molecule) layers in the membrane of microorganisms and denaturing (changing their structure) their proteins, and is effective against most bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The lipid (oil) of a representative microorganism membrane structure

However, it is ineffective against bacterial spores. However, this is partially removed by using hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water). [2] A solution containing 70% ethanol is more effective than pure ethanol. Because water molecules are needed for optimum antimicrobial activity (interaction). Pure ethanol can neutralize germs without destroying them. Because alcohol could not fully penetrate the microbe membrane. [3] [4] Ethanol causes cell dehydration (loss of water) by disrupting the osmotic balance (the ratio of water inside the cell) across the cell membrane, so water leaves the cell, causing cell death. [5]

Hand Disinfectant

Hand disinfectants usually consist of liquid, gel or foam. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers generally include combinations of isopropyl alcohol, ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or n-propanol. It contains 60% to 95% alcohol like cologne. Compounds like glycerol can be added to prevent the skin from drying out. [6] Some also contain fragrances; however, these are not recommended due to the risk of allergic reactions. [7] Non-alcohol based versions typically contain benzalkonium chloride or triclosan; however, it is less effective than alcohol-based ones. [8] [9] [10]

Disinfectants that contain at least 70% alcohol contain 99.9% of bacteria on hands 30 seconds after application and 99% within one minute. Kills 99 to 99.999% of them. [11]


Since ethanol is the main component of cologne and alcohol-based hand disinfectants, it actually functions the same in both products. Hand disinfectants (from brand to brand) can add some substances such as glycerol to prevent the hand from drying out. Especially in the use of excessive disinfectant products, allergy causes the death of beneficial bacteria in the hand as well as dry skin and also causes antibiotic resistance. [12] Let’s not forget that it will be easier for microbes to penetrate our body through skin cracks caused by dry skin. At this point, what we need to pay attention to is not the product, but how to use it correctly.

When we use a disinfectant product with at least 70 degrees alcohol for a maximum of 15 seconds, 99% of bacteria are It is enough to kill the flour. Since gel-type disinfectants have less volatility, the time to spread to our hands is longer. However, if your hands are very dirty, disinfectants cannot always provide 100 percent cleanliness. There is no substitute for water and soap. For this reason, our priority is to use soap and water together.


[1] Pohorecky, Larissa A .; Brick, John (January 1988). “Pharmacology of ethanol”. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 36 (2–3). ss. 335–427. doi: 10.1016 / 0163-7258 (88) 90109-X. PMID 3279433.

[2] McDonnell G, Russell AD (January 1999). “Antiseptics and disinfectants: activity, action, and resistance”. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 12 (1): 147–79. doi: 10.1128 / CMR.12.1.147. PMC 88911. PMID 9880479

[3] “Chemical Disinfectants | Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC ”. cdc.gov. Retrieved 29 January 2018.

[4] “Why is 70% ethanol used for wiping microbiological working areas?”. ResearchGate. Retrieved 29 January 2018.

[5] “Ethanol”. drugbank.ca. Retrieved 28 January 2019.

[6] Boyce JM, Pittet D, Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, HICPAC / SHEA / APIC / IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force (October 2002).

[ 7] “Guide to Local Production: WHO-recommended Handrub Formulations” (PDF). Retrieved 11 April 2020.

[8] Long, Bruce W .; Rollins, Jeannean Hall; Smith, Barbara J. (2015). Merrill’s Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures (13 ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 16. ISBN 9780323319652. Archived from the original on 18 September 2017.

[9] Baki, Gabriella; Alexander, Kenneth S. (2015). Introduction to Cosmetic Formulation and Technology. John Wiley & Sons. p. 173. ISBN 9781118763780.

[10] “Alcohol-free hand sanitizer prices are skyrocketing, but they don’t actually work to prevent the coronavirus, Business Insider – Business Insider Singapore”.

[11] Misafir, Manfred L. (1999). “Handwashing and hand disinfection”. In Mayhall, C. Glen (ed.). Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control (2nd ed.). ISBN 9780683306088.

[12] Popsci, “Are Hand Disinfectants Bad For Your Microbiome?”

Kaynak : https://www.muhendisbeyinler.net/kolonya-mi-el-dezenfektani-mi/


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