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Ana Sayfa Genel 1 Ocak 2021 286 Görüntüleme

How to Design a Part

I plan to start a series of articles as a new writer in engineer minds. In this series of articles, will include information about modeling a machine part in a computer environment.

Parça Tasarımı Nasıl Yapılır

First of all, a computer program is needed to model a part in a computer environment. I have been actively following the forum part of our site for 2-3 years and many questions are coming from mechanical engineer candidates especially about part design . In my first article about part design, I will try to answer the questions in the forum section. Which modeling program should I learn the most asked of these questions?

As someone who has used different programs, I suggest to beginners in this area, choose any modeling program and just focus on developing it. Especially, the more students I know, the better they approach with the logic, but the modeling programs are based on the same foundation. If you can use any modeling program well, it will take you at most 2 weeks to get used to a new modeling program.


The second most asked question is, How can we improve ourselves in modeling programs? My advice to people who will learn the modeling program in this regard is to first watch the video tutorials that you can access free of charge on the internet, model the parts there, then take an object you have cut in your eye in order to add something on it and try to draw the same scale with a caliper. In this way, you can learn how to measure a part in the future when you become a designer, and at the same time increase your competence in modeling by starting from a simple object and making designs that become increasingly difficult.

Parça tasarlama nedir

Designing a piece I wanted to start by answering the questions I see very often in the forum in the first article of the series about the article I will create. In the continuation of the article series, what should be considered when designing a piece, where to start designing the piece, etc. I will touch on topics like. If there are topics that are particularly curious, if they are written in the comment section, I will try to address those issues.

I will have a request from friends who read the article, I am starting to write a new article on such a platform. I am open to your constructive criticism in order to make the articles more beautiful. Friends who want to help can send their messages to the comment section or directly to me.

Kaynak : https://www.muhendisbeyinler.net/parca-tasarimi-nasil-yapilir/


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